Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's a dark tunnel

I've been feeling like I'm sinking back into a place I have no desire to go again.

I had an appt with Prince William on Wednesday morning and since then I have been crying, not just a few tears, but heart breaking sobs. Every day.

I had been doing so well and then all of a sudden I started crying during my appt. William said that it was good because I was finally in the grief stage. Not grieving because of missing the abuser, but grieving over the loss of what the relationship wasn't, it wasn't nurturing, supportive and loving. I think with this grieving process I have also added in the grief of my marriage breaking up and also the break up of my long term relationship before the abuser. All things that I hadn't dealt with properly. And it is destroying me. I try and do my mantras, I try and occupy myself, but I am in such a low place right now that I feel like I can't pull myself up and out of it.

The mantras are quickly forgotten and I am rolled up in a ball in bed and crying like my heart will never mend

But in being so down, I've been forgetting the abuse and I am missing him so much AND I HATE THAT.

I have to keep reminding myself

he abused me
physically emotionally mentally spiritually

nothing I did was good enough

I have to keep telling myself
I am really not missing him as a person, I am missing the person I wish he could have been

But what if one day he is the person I hope he'll be and I've missed that chance?

I truly loved him
I have to stop defending him

I never understood how abused women stay
but I learned why

I am supposedly grieving and I want to sleep I want to stop crying but I feel like there is no light


Jewell said...

there is always a light at the end of the tunnel...but it sometimes seems a long way off.

Don't lose heart you're on the right track

Love to you xxx

Anonymous said...

thinking of you sweety. come visit or send me an email if you need to *hug*

Tania said...

Thank you Jewell and Jacqui. I think I am seeing light... finally

Anonymous said...

You just have to remember, even though you and he are no longer together, you are in a much better place without him. You also have to remember, at his age, people do not change. He will never be the "Man" you wanted him to be.

You are a great girl, and deserve better then the abuse that spewed out of him.

Mr. NY